Getting a Crypto Wallet

Step-by-step instruction to getting a wallet

To interact with blockchain applications, you need a wallet. Think of a wallet like a passport that also holds your funds.

  1. Download Chrome for your PC.

  2. Download the Rabby Wallet extension to your browser.

  3. In the top right of your Chrome, select the puzzle piece.

  4. Click the pin icon next to the Rabby logo.

  5. Select the Rabby icon in the top right.

  6. Select "create new address" at the top of the list.

  7. Enter a password that you will remember.

  8. Rabby will take you to another tab. Read the information on the screen very carefully.

  9. Select "show seed phrase" and log these words and their specific order in a secure place.

  10. When you've saved the seed phrase, hit the button.

  11. You will then see a screen with multiple addresses. Select the first one by clicking the slider to the left of #1.

  12. Select "Done"

  13. Your wallet is all set up. Next, you need to add funds to the wallet.

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